Compact L-Block Shield
Compact L-Block Shield
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Compact L-Block Shield
Designed for clinics receiving unit doses
  • 2" Lead shielding in front and in base
  • 8" x 8" x 4" adjustable lead glass window
The Compact L-Block Shield is designed for facilities receiving unit doses of high-energy radionuclides, such as FDG F-18. It is sized to allow easy access and viewing of the work area. The L-Block is constructed of 2" lead encased in steel. It features a large 8" x 8" x 4" lead glass window. The viewing angle of the window can be adjusted. The ability to adjust the lead glass window makes the L-Block easier and safer to use. The 042-425 Lead Brick Cave wraps around the work area and fits neatly into the sides of the vertical section to create a more complete shielded environment.
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