UNIDOS® is well known and accepted worldwide as the therapy dosemeter of choice with the best performance available on the market. Thousands of international users enjoy the high quality, the reliability and the excellent adaptation of this unique dosemeter. UNIDOS® as a reference class and secondary standard dosemeter is calibrated at the PTW calibration laboratory.

Ion chambers and solid-state detectors can be connected to the UNIDOS®. A comprehensive chamber library makes it possible to store calibration data of up to 30 chambers. Air density corrections are done by keying in air pressure and temperature, or by means of radioactive check devices. The check device data are stored in a database. An internal clock calculates the decay of the isotope radioactivity. UNIDOS® displays the measured values of dose and dose rate in Gy, Sv, R, Gy/min, Sv/h, R/min or Gy·m. The electrical values of charge and current are displayed in C or A. The device includes automatic leakage compensation, an auto-matic built-in system test and an RS232 interface. It features both mains and battery operation.

  • High performance secondary standard and reference class dosemeter
  • Suitable for universal dosimetry in radiation therapy, diagnostic radiology and health physics
  • Complies with the following standards:
    • IEC 60731 as a reference class dosemeter
    • IPEM guidelines on dosimetry transfer instruments as a secondary standard dosemeter
    • IEC 60601-2-9 as a dosemeter for patient contact
    • IEC 61674 as a diagnostic dosemeter
    • IEC 60601-1
  • High accuracy, excellent resolution (1 fA) and wide dynamic measuring ranges
  • Exceeds requirements of calibration labs for leakage, linearity, reproducibility and stability
  • HV power supply (0 … ± 400) V in increments of ± 50 V
  • Measures integrated dose (or charge) and dose rate (or current) simultaneously
  • Large, high-contrast LC display
  • Includes an extensive detector library including detector data and calibration factors
  • Database for radioactive check sources and a clock for decay calculation
  • Checks high voltage between the ion chamber electrodes
  • Internal electronic test circuits for automatic system checks
  • Mains or battery operation
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